
In this article you will learn how to create a Work Order through Infraspeak Mobile App.

With Infraspeak Mobile, technicians have the full power of Infraspeak at their fingertips: 

  • Report work orders with their smartphones and NFC tags

  • Check their calendars and see all of their daily/weekly tasks

  • Access their information even when there is no connection - offline mode.

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Step by Step

1. Log in to your account on your mobile phone.

2. Once logged in, go to Work Orders.

3. In Work Orders, go to the bottom of your screen and click on the option Create New Work Order.

4. Then, in the new screen, fill in the following information:

  • Work Order Location - where the work order is going to take place
  • Work Order Area - select a work order area among the ones created in the platform
  • Work Order Type - select a work order type among the ones created in the platform
  • Priority - select among the priorities created in the platform
  • Multimedia - take a photo with your smartphone or choose from the ones already taken
  • Additional Description

5. Once the information is added, go to the bottom and click on Confirm and Create New Work Order. A new item will appear on the work orders' list (first item on the list).

6. You may also see the item created in the web platform.