This article will show you how to perform stock movements in Materials and Warehouses, using the Infraspeak Stocks App. 


1. Performing stock movements on the material

  1. After creation, the material is not yet allocated to any warehouse or included in any stock movements, as expected. Let's change that!

  2. At the top, you have the option to add, subtract, or transfer stock. Since it's currently empty, let's add some items to our “Central Station” warehouse.
  3. Once the operation is complete, you'll see the material displayed along with the associated stock movements.
  4. Let's imagine two of the light bulbs are broken and need to be subtracted from the Central Station stock. You can quickly access the “Subtract Stock” action directly through the connection between the warehouse and the material.
  5. Just like adding stock, you can specify the quantity to be subtracted from your current stock:
  6. Finally, you can also transfer materials from one warehouse to another. Imagine that Suburbs Station urgently needs 3 light bulbs, and we'll send them from our Central Station stock. This can be easily done using the “Transfer Stock” option:
  7. To start a stock transfer, you'll need to provide the following details:

    - Outgoing warehouse (mandatory)

    - Incoming warehouse (mandatory)

    - The amount of stock to transfer (mandatory)

    - Observations (optional)

  8. After completing the operation, the changes will be reflected in the stock movements:

2. Performing stock movements in the warehouse

  1. Similarly, you can also perform stock actions directly from the warehouse screen.
  2. In this case, you can perform the “Add Stocks” and “Subtract Stock” actions for a list of materials.
  3. Once materials are added, you can review both the current stock and the ongoing movements within the warehouse.