This article will display the most common errors that can happen when mass uploading information to Infraspeak, and troubleshooting steps to resolve them. 


1. What are the most common errors, and how can I resolve them? 

1.1. This Location already exists.

This means the location you're attempting to import already exists in your environment. You'll need to import it under a different name and code, in case this location is not the same as any you have in your entity. 

1.2. Category Unknown/ This category does not belong in the entity.

If you're attempting to import a file, and you see the error message «category-unknown»:

This means you're attempting to import an Asset in a category that does not exist on your environment. Add a new category, or change the category in the Excel file.

1.3. Header invalid

If you're attempting to import a file, and you see the error message «header-invalid»:

Most likely, it is because the language of your file is not the same as your environments'. You can change the file language to match your environment, save it, and upload it again:

1.4. Local Type Unknown / The Location Type does not belong in the entity.

If you're attempting to import a Buildings and Locals file, and you see the error message «local-type-unknown»:

This means that these location types (in the example, the Public area and the Swimming Pool) do not exist in your environment. You'll need to add them to the environment or correct them if they exist and are mistyped, under the Typology column of your Excel file: