In this article you are going to have a general overview about the capabilities of the Infraspeak Next app on the Planned Jobs app of the Infraspeak Platform


Accessing the Planned Jobs Area

When you open your Infraspeak Next app on the bottom menu you will find a button called "Planned Jobs", when clicked you will see the Planned Jobs Area inside the app, here is a step by step guide on how to do it:

1. Open your Infraspeak Next app and tap on the "Planned Jobs" button on the bottom bar

2. Now you have access to the Planned Jobs Area

Searching for Planned Job Orders

When you need to find a specific Planned Job Order, you can search for it using the Search button.

While searching you can search for: 

  • Title of the Planned Job
  • Client
  • Location
  • Planned Job Order ID
  • Status

To search for planned Jobs you have to:

1. Access the Planned Jobs List

2. Tap on the Search button


3. Define your search criteria by typing and selecting a status

Overview of a Planned Job Order

Starting a Planned Job Order

In order to see the assets and tasks related to a Planned Job Order the user needs to start it first.

The user can do this by accessing a Planned Job Order and tapping on the Start button

1. Open the Planned Jobs list and choose a Planned Job Order

2. Tap on the Start button

3. Now you have access to all activities related related to that Planned Job Order

Want to know more about the Planned Jobs area in the Infraspeak Next app? Check our tutorials by clicking here