Only here — read this article to learn everything you need to know about the Infraspeak Network™ — our collaborative, shared maintenance workplace.


1. Sharing Planned Jobs

1.    With both entities connected, the FM at Marina Maintenance can go straight to their Infraspeak platform and create a new planned job to cover the annual preventive maintenance plan of the assets. 

1.    This includes setting up all the tasks, measurements and interventions that each planned job order will require.

2.    When the planned job is finished, using the green Share button at the top of the planned jobs window, Marina FM shares the planned job along with all relevant details for Clean Air' Us to start work.

2. Receiving Planned Jobs

3.    On Monday morning, the maintenance manager at Clean Air' Us checks his email and sees an email with the new planned job. He clicks the link and finds himself in the planned job menu.

4.    Knowing that his colleagues had separately sorted the commercial side of this preventive maintenance plan, the manager clicks View Details and then Start. All planned job orders are listed with their start dates meaning they have visibility over the entire annual plan

5.    The first planned job order (monthly) is scheduled to start on Wednesday and he briefs his team ahead of the first visit.

3. Executing Planned Jobs

6.    The planned job order includes 4 tasks and 8 measurements (2 each) that need to be taken. 2 Clean Air' Us specialists arrive at Marina Maintenance on Wednesday at 9 a.m. and begin work.

7.    They update the planned job order and change the status of the task and measurement so that both managers (Clean Air' Us and Marina) have an idea of what is going on. It's all done in real-time and the one or two small problems that came about during the routine preventive maintenance were successfully resolved using the chat function. 

8.    Once the manager is satisfied with the technician's work, he changes the status from Active to Closed, informs his contact at Marina Maintenance and smoothes over some logistics ahead of the next planned job order in one month's time.