This article will furnish further information how to add new locations to an existing buiding using our Import File system.

1. How to validade the Information

1.1 The excel sheet vrs. the system setting

  1. Log in on Infraspeak Web and go the Settings Options, click on your acount Details and validate the language that was previously setted:

  2. Afterwards, go to you the Complex Buildings Sheet that is entirely fulfilled and ready to be uploaded and validate the language that  also set in order to guarantee it's matching the system's:

  3. Once it's all set, direct yourself to the Import File and being your uploading by following the steps below on step 2.

2.  Uploading the file to your database

1.2 Uploading the information and checking for successful configured settings

  1. On the Import file, select your excel sheet and validate it afterwards

  2. The validation process will return with a message of insertion and informing the location is well configured in both Infraspeak system and the excel sheet.

  3. Next and final step would be to click on the Insert File green tab. Subsequently there will be another message of success and you're done!