1. Go to the Quote Requests app in the Sales group.

  2. You can reply to quote requests you find in the New state or in the Approved state, if you have previously approved it.
  3. Double-click the quote request to open it.

  4. Click on the “Reply with quote” button.

  5. Fill in the information (material, quantity, price, vat, discount) 
    1. It’s good practice to match the details on the quote request.

  6. If you would like to add extra materials, items or services, click the blue arrow next to the “Add material” button. A drop-down list will appear containing these options.

  7. Click “Save” — ?

  8. Click the green “Share” button in the top left corner to share your quote request.

  9. Your client will receive the quote on their Infraspeak and as soon as they reply you will be notified.