
This article describes step-by-step how to associate a User to a Client in the Infraspeak web platform.

Associating a User to a Client is a feature that allows administrators to manage which managers, technicians or operators are associated with each Client and will be able to view their Corrective and/or Preventive Maintenance jobs.

Step by Step

1. Log into the Infraspeak web platform.

2. Once logged in, on the left-hand side menu, select the Settings tab.

3. In the next window, find the option “Clients and Contacts“ and click on “Clients”.

4. Once on the Clients page, to edit the settings of one of the existing Clients, select the Client you wish to edit. Click on the pencil icon next to it to start editing.

5. In the details of the Client being edited, select the "Associated Users" option at the top.

6.  On this tab we can add the names of the users we wish to associate with this Client. On the first line, we can associate the "Responsible Managers" and, on the second line, the "Associated Users" (technicians/reporters). 

7. To finalize the association of users to the Client, click on the "Save Changes" button.