
In this article, you will learn how to create an order for materials in the Purchasing Management module, and understand how to request a service.

Make your purchasing process more efficient by optimizing the requisition of items and services from your company's purchasing department, or purchasing from external suppliers. After registering a purchase order on our platform to a specific supplier, Infraspeak automatically generates an order report and manages all the necessary implications for your stock.

Note: To use the Purchasing Management Module, the Supplier Management Module must be installed.

Step by Step

1. After logging into your Infraspeak account, in the left sidebar you should click on “Add Application” to access the Infraspeak Hub.

2. Within the Infraspeak Hub click on “connect” in the box referring to Purchases.

3. After installing the application, on the left sidebar click on Purchases.

4. To start a new purchase, click on “+ Create Purchase” at the top of the page. A new window will appear, where you can choose if you want to buy materials or if you want to buy a service.

5. A new window will open with information to fill in:

  • Observations

  • Internal and External ID

  • Supplier

  • Warehouse (in case you're purchasing materials)

  • Delivery address

  • Associated with (work order, planned job order)

  • List of items (with respective quantity, price, VAT, discount)

6. To complete your purchase, click on the button in the upper left corner of the page: “Mark as ready to receive”.

If you wish, you can send the purchase by email. By clicking on “Send by email”, a new window will open on the right side, which will generate an automatic email to a pre-defined contact with the description you want, and will also send the purchase report as an attachment. You can also extract the purchase report by clicking on “Reports” at the top of the page.

7. Returning to the initial window of the Purchase module, in the top tab, under “Running” all purchase orders that are not complete will appear. When you receive your material, you will be able to return to this window, ending the process, filling in the quantities received in the list of items and, finally, clicking on “Mark as complete”.

As the Materials are linked to the Stock Management Module and its warehouses, after closing the order, the materials purchased will be reflected in the number of available stock units.