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In this article, you will learn how to create materials in Infraspeak, in order to be able to control, in a simple and efficient way, the entry, movement and exit of the consumables used in your operations

Infraspeak's stock management module allows you to constantly keep up-to-date the volume of materials and tools in warehouses, through integration with their consumption during work, breakdowns, maintenance tasks and requisitions, and with purchases processed through of the platform.

This module allows you to create warehouses and material types, view the existing materials in each location, move stock between warehouses, manually add or deduct stock. Additionally, it provides management with a tool to detect the need to restock items at risk of stockouts, preventing the stoppage of maintenance operations.

Step by Step

1. After logging into your Infraspeak account, in the left-hand side menu you should click on “Add App” to access the Infraspeak Hub.

2. Within the Infraspeak Hub click on “connect” in the box referring to Stock Management.

3. After installing the app, on the left-hand sidebar click on the Stock tab.

4. To add new materials/parts, click on the wheel button at the top, then on Manage Materials.

5. In the new window, click on “New Folder” to add a folder that will contain the materials/parts you will add:

  • Name

  • Code

  • Description (optional)

Click OK to create the folder.

Note: You can create several folders and sub-folders depending on the need to organize your operation.

6. At the top of the "Manage Materials" window, new tabs will appear:

  • Edit Folder

  • Delete Folder

  • New Material Type

7. Next, add the materials to the folders. To do this, click on the folder where you want to place the materials and select “New Material Type” at the top:

  • Code

  • Name

  • Unit of measurement

  • Price (optional)

  • Description (optional)

  • Sales price excluding VAT (optional)

  • VAT (%) (optional)

On the right side of the window, you can define the minimum quantity of this material that must exist in each warehouse. If you define a minimum quantity, when the material is released (in a breakdown or occurrence, for example), if the stock of that item falls below the defined minimum value, a warning will be created stating that the quantity in stock is below the stipulated value.

8. Once you have created the materials you want, you can then allocate them to warehouses. To do this, on the main Stocks page, click on “+Add” at the top of the page. A window will appear, where you should select which material(s) to add and to which warehouse.

9. Finally, click on the button “Add material from stock” in the lower right corner. The materials that have been added will immediately appear on the homepage of the Stocks module. Clicking on any of these materials will bring up a panel on the right side that displays information regarding the item, warehouse, availability and consumption statistics. On the Log tab on the same side panel, you can see material movement logs. On the “Stock Movement” tab at the top of the page, you can see all the item movements that were carried out, in what action, when and by whom, and download the report on each stock movement.