
In this article you will learn how to edit an Asset in the Infraspeak platform. Also, you will understand which sections and fields may be edited.

The number of editable fileds will vary according to the modules you have downloaded in the Infraspeak Store. Therefore, if there are any fields you don’t see or acknowledge, probably it’s because you aren’t using the module in question.

Step by Step

1. In order for you to edit an already existing asset, select Assets, in the left Menu.

2. Then, in the Asset Menu, you will be able to see a list with all the assets created.

3. Once you have the asset list on your screen, you may select an asset and see its details. To do this, you have 2 possibilities:

  • Click on the asset line you want to edit → a new panel on the right side of your screen will be displayed. In this panel, click on the pencil to edit a given field. On the top right corner you may move among sections: Info, Measurements, History, Docs, etc.

  • Double click on the asset line you want to edit → it will open a new window. In the Asset Details windows, click on the pencil to edit a given field. To move among sections, scroll down and you will see more detailed information regarding this specific asset. You may acknowledge the section order on the window’s left side.