
In this article you will see how to create/add Tasks in a Maintenance Category on the Infraspeak web platform.

In this case we will focus on one type of equipment but it's also possible to add Tasks to a Soft Maintenance. The steps are exactly the same.

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Step by Step

1. Go to the Settings tab and headover to the Maintenance section.

2. Once you are at the Maintenance section, click on Settings.

3. Then, to access a type of equipment you must select it and in the Type of Equipment section, click Edit. Of course, this can also be done when adding new equipment.

4. Once in the category details of the type of equipment, select the Tasks and Interventions tab.

5. In that tab, to add a task, click on the + New Task button.

6. Once clicking on + New Task, a new window will open. In it, you will need to fill in the following fields:

  • Type of Maintenance Task - Can be a Correction, Inspection, Cleaning, Proactive or Replacement

  • Name - it is necessary to give a name to the Maintenance Task

  • Description (optional)

  • Technical Specialty - by default it is General, but it can be created and associated with the task

  • Estimated Duration - 10 minutes are set by default but can be change

  • List of Measurements - measurements can be added to the task if they exist

  • Maintenance Tasks - you can define if it is for everyone or if these tasks are pending of some specific characteristic

7. Once the required fields have been filled in, to finish and save the task, click on Add maintenance task.