
In this article you will learn how to create a technical data sheet for a category/type of equipment.

The Technical Characteristics that make up a Technical Data Sheet can be used both in the Types of Equipment and with Soft Maintenance.

The definition of these Technical Characteristics allows your teams to identify the categories.

Step by Step

1. Log into the Infraspeak Web platform.

2. Once logged in, on the left hand side menu, select the Settings tab.

3. In the Settings tab, head to the Maintenance section and click on Settings.

4. Then, to access a type of equipment you must select it and go to the Type of Equipment section on the right, and click on Edit. Of course, this definition can be done by creating different types of equipment.

5. Once in the Category Details, it's possible to add Technical Characteristics by selecting the option "+ New Characteristic", in the category details section up on the right side.

6. Click on "+ New characteristic" and a new window will appear where you can define the type of characteristics you want:

  • Free text: allows the technician to add & change a text without restrictions

  • Numeric: allows you to add numeric text with a predefined unit

  • Multiple choice: allows you to add options that the technician can select when defining a specific equipment

  • Material type (Stock): allows you to select a type of material that is added in your Stock app

7. The result of the configuration of a technical data sheet will look like this:

8. You can then head on to the Assets tab and, inside each asset of that category, fill in those technical characteristics you've created.