
In this article, you will be able to understand how to manage clients, buildings and locations/premises, all this in the mobile app.

Step by Step

1. Login to the Infraspeak app.

2. Once you've logged in, head to Equipments & Locations or Add/New.

3. If you selected the "Add/New" tab you can now scroll down to the last option called Clients and Locations.

4. On the next screen, you will be able to see the existing clients on your platform.

5. If you want to add a new customer, you must select the "+" button.

6. If you want to explore an existing customer, just click on its name. In the customer details you can see the information added when it was created. Additionally, you can edit by clicking the pencil button in the upper right corner of the screen. You can also view and manage the existing buildings within this specific client. For that you must click on View buildings.

7. In the new screen, you will see all the building structures added, here you are able to add different buildings according to the folder structure created.

  • Add a new building next to your existing buildings list

  • At the next step, you will no longer be able to add a building but you will be able to add a Location and/or a Folder

8. You can view and/or edit a Location (to edit click on the pencil).

9. If you have selected Equipment & Locations , you may notice that the same option to Explore locations exists at the bottom of the screen.

  • Then you need to choose the location you want to manage. For that, you have to select on the buildings structure.

  • Once in the locations that one wishes manage, it is possible to see a series of information. In addition, the location can be edited in the upper right corner of the screen, in the pencil icon.