
In this article, you will learn how to add and manage buildings and their locations in the Infraspeak web platform.

Step by Step

1. Log into the Infraspeak web platform.

2. Once logged in, on the left-hand side menu, select the Settings tab.

3. In the selected window, find the option “Locations, Buildings and Warehouses“ and click on “Buildings”.

4. Once on the Buildings screen, on top you must select "Add Building".

5. In the details of the building to be created, you must fill in the following fields: name, code location, client.

6. Once all the details are added and to finish creating your building, you must click on the “Save Changes” button.

7. Once created, your building will appear on the Buildings main screen.

8. By clicking on the three dots next to a building, it is possible to see that you now have the options to edit or remove the building.

9. Once you have the Building selected, it is possible to to add a folder structure. To do so, click on + button.

10. Overall, creating a Location doesn't necessarily require creating folders, but its creation guarantees a more clear structure. For example, after the building has been selected, you can create a folder for the 1st Floor. Now to add a room on that floor, you must select the floor (1st Floor)  and select the + button to add a Location (Room Nº).

11. To finish creating a Location, fill in the following fields: name, code location, location type (this allows local maintenance to be assigned to certain typology(s)).

12. To finish creating the Location, you must select "Save Changes" in the upper left corner.