
This article is a step by step on how to create and manage a contact in the Infraspeak platform.

Contacts are entities in the platform that contain contact information (email, phone number and mobile phone) of people or companies related to a Client or Building.

The main function is to allow them, after being associated with Clients or Buildings, to be eligible to create new Work Orders.

In addition, a technician in the field can easily see who the Contacts are related to in there Work Order and, if necessary, communicate with them.

Contacts may have a special role that makes them active users of the system to report a fault by creating a work order, through their association with Infraspeak Direct.

Step by Step

1. Login to the Infraspeak web platform.

2. Once logged in, on the left hand side menu, select the Settings tab.

3. In the selected window, find the option “Clients and Contacts “ now click on “Contacts”.

4. Then you will see a window with the list of contacts. In the upper left corner of that list you will see the “+New Contact” button. Click this button to add a new contact.

5. In the new window you will have to fill in some mandatory fields on the General tab, such as name, email, phone, mobile phone, Infraspeak Direct (tick the box to give access or leave it unticked for no access).

6. At the end click on “Add Contact” in the lower right-hand corner.